holy shit
you know, this is actually pretty damn good =D XD
holy shit
you know, this is actually pretty damn good =D XD
Hehe, thanks, you might wanna check out some of my other animations, they are mostly alike!
that's not very nice
hella funny actually, but why don't you like the SG? And do you actually know me? cause i don't know you, buddeh, that's damn sure.
I'm reviewing 8 because you could have made it a bit less retarded in the beginning, but it was still funny. however, I'm gonna blam this if I can. it's nothing personal.
you know, you're really fucking stupid.
Listen, n00b, your one and only SS animation was better than this shit. The artwork here sucks, It's slower than hell, you don't know how to tween, there's no background, and by far the sound is the best part- and i could make better sound asleep. Oh, and Konkata? Your face gave me nightmares. WTF is your problem?
lol wtf
kinda saw that one coming. still, it's ok.
lol xd lol i wasnt expecting the face thing in this one but now i know huh? lol
it was way 2 short but it was good it made them all seem pretty stupid
way better than # 2
i liked this one. funny.
oh, ivanovitch? wadezilla? you suck balls. Make the graphics better! FUCK YOU! LOOK AT CC ANIMATIONS, HALF OF THEM HAVE FUCKING MSPAINT GRAPHICS! WTF IS YOUR PROBLEM?!!! GO FUCKING BURN IN HELL!!!!!
uhm... wtf?
the sound = gay, and there was extremely little animation. try harder.
Crazy Shit, man. Crazy Shit. Contact me for... anything- I do music, animation, art, you name it- I probably do it (so long as I have a legit excuse- my services are free, but teh bossLady won't let me work on them other wise lol) Have fun. C u in hell.
Age 33, Male
Animator/Artist/1 33
Highland High School
Littlerock, CA
Joined on 4/18/07